The LOVE/0yjord Seeder is a semi-mounted, three point hitch agricultural seed metering implement. It features a full width, front packing roller followed by individual double disc ground openers and trailing packer wheels. The seed metering and distribution system facilitate ease of calibration and multiple plot sowing.
The LOVE/Oyjord Seeder is designed for use on prepared flat or raised seed beds, with a maximum seed bed height above the tire surface of six inches. The tires have an adjustable center to center tread width from 60 to 78 inches. The seeder can be purchased with options for seeding 3, 4, 6, 7 or 8 rows at a minimum center to center spacing of five inches, and at ground speeds from 2-1/2 to 4 miles per hour.
The LOVE/Oyjord offers a complete seeding system including continuous full bed sowing using a Bulk Seed Hopper refilling from separate containers, a Small Batch Funnel for individual seed lots, or the seeding of individual seed lots in bed lengths less than 10 feet with the Feeder Divider package.
The Love Oyjord seeder
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Love /Oyjord Seeder. Product information from J.E. Love Company